.As-salamu `alaykum wa rahmatullah I'm stealing this beautiful post from here someone posted on facebook and after I readed I have no mo...
.As-salamu `alaykum wa rahmatullah I'm stealing this beautiful post from here someone posted on facebook and after I readed I have no mo...
One Drug to Shrink All Tumors - ScienceNOW by Sarah C. P. Williams A single drug can shrink or cure human breast, ovary, colon, bladder, bra...
The power that social media has brought to Egypt is indescribable,people is now available to make "business" from home (like I do...
salam waleykum everyone a simple makeup tutorial just in case you haven't see it before. href="http://www.blogger.com/">
salam waleykum dear readers, It has been a very very busy month I barely have time to post but here it is a nice tutorial that I found,the m...
Vitamin D is More Than a Bone Builder Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin whose major role is to aid in absorption of calcium and phosphorus ...
Congratulations to all women out there enjoy your day. Do you know? a human body can bear only up to 45 Del (unit) of pain. But at the time ...