* Alaska *

If some one ask you where would you like to go for Holy day ..........perhaps most of you will answer to a warm place maybe a beach, probab...
are we forced to wear veil???......I didn't know it hahaha
I'm right now lost in this forum and I just can say Do not let the ignorance blind you... and open your heart to knowledge. (by that...
The Magazine Challenges

Here are some of the most challenges collages for me in this two issues of The SharePoint Magazine. This are the original pictures that I us...
Khaliji Makeup Vs Drag Queen make up

and the winner is..............................! ♂♀♂♀♂♀♂♀♂♀♂♀♂♀♂♀♂♀♂♀♂♀♂♀♂♀♂♀♂♀♂♀♂♀♂♀♂♀ All this make up makes women looks like a clown , wh...
All rights reserved humm..........

What do you know about the phrase " All right reserved "? Doesn't really boders you when you try to have a nice pic or text f...
Egyptian whirling dervishes

People say that the secret of the dancer even with consistent whirls lies in his foot movement. The twirls are broken by the different f...
Harem pantaloons

These are a very controversial trousers; they are new in the western fashion scene, Originally they were used to describe the women’s quarte...
Abaya Pantaloons-Hijab Fashion

For more peactures and styles of this Pantaloons download the second issue of The SharePoint Magazine or visit the post about Muslim Fashi...
Mexican weadding cookies

sorry but one of my husband cousins had just married and they right now had sent his little sis to bring me this delicious cookies, I just ...
This is Mexico

I'm sure you know Egypt is not the only Country with Pyramids; although the Egyptian Pyramids are the tallest, Mexico has also a pretty ...
High seas: “No beaches Arab sinking”

Last century witnessed a rise in sea levels of 17 cm with an average of $ 1,75 mm per year. The Fourth Assessment published in 2007(of the I...