“For We had certainly sent unto them a Book based on knowledge, which We explained in detail a guide and a Mercy to all who believe.” (Qur’ân 7:52)
“. . . We have sent down to you the Book explaining all things, a guide a Mercy, and glad tidings to Muslims.” (Qur’ân 16:89)
According to the Pew Research Center; a fourth of Americans say they know " nothing at all" about Islam, and of non-Muslims polled, 58 percent said they don't know any Muslims,The strange thing is that after 9/11 in all the world many people has embraced Islam as their religion. This make us wonder if the Media is guilty of not give what they are for and this is the Information:media coverage of Islam focuses too much on terrorism. Two extensions of that argument are that non-terrorism news doesn't often feature Muslims and that the news doesn't provide enough context about anti-American sentiment until a situation blows up.
A Wave of Conversion to Islam in the U.S. Following September 11 with no doubt was followed after the Media coverage of Islam which attracted the attention of many people curious to know what Islam is. When they sow and learned more, finally they took the decision to convert to Islam, to know the truth for themselves and not what the media say which all we know is not always true.
Personally I didn't knew either about Islam or Muslims before until the day
when in a TV channel I sow "El Clon" a TV serie filmed in Brazil and Morocco(I really should make a post about this), where the protagonist after her mother died is riced by his uncle in a Muslim Family, that was my very first contact with Islam and the knowledge of the Q'uran, years past and subhanallah, I married my Husband (Muslim) I was Catholic but only of name and after see with my own eyes how wonderful his religion was and the culture of Islam then I finally embraced Islam alhamdullillah in 2005.I would like to add that I knew more about Islam before I embrace it, while I was trying to prove to my husband that he was in a mistake, then, it makes me realise that I didn't even know about Catholicism and either about Islam, then this guided me to a research in both religions but, when you came in a point where you confront both you finally find the true one, Islam.
This was only me; a very common person, but what happens when a leading writer like Henryk Broder Embrace Islam?,and what where the motives that guided him to take this decision after all the years where he fought islam?.
From: Islammemo
“. . . We have sent down to you the Book explaining all things, a guide a Mercy, and glad tidings to Muslims.” (Qur’ân 16:89)
According to the Pew Research Center; a fourth of Americans say they know " nothing at all" about Islam, and of non-Muslims polled, 58 percent said they don't know any Muslims,The strange thing is that after 9/11 in all the world many people has embraced Islam as their religion. This make us wonder if the Media is guilty of not give what they are for and this is the Information:media coverage of Islam focuses too much on terrorism. Two extensions of that argument are that non-terrorism news doesn't often feature Muslims and that the news doesn't provide enough context about anti-American sentiment until a situation blows up.
A Wave of Conversion to Islam in the U.S. Following September 11 with no doubt was followed after the Media coverage of Islam which attracted the attention of many people curious to know what Islam is. When they sow and learned more, finally they took the decision to convert to Islam, to know the truth for themselves and not what the media say which all we know is not always true.
Personally I didn't knew either about Islam or Muslims before until the day

This was only me; a very common person, but what happens when a leading writer like Henryk Broder Embrace Islam?,and what where the motives that guided him to take this decision after all the years where he fought islam?.
From: Islammemo

German-Jewish author stated the famous "Henryk Broder," Convert to Islam, after a long series of writings hostile to Islam and Muslims.
The newspaper "Palestine Online" that is a journalist Henryk Broder is a veteran magazine Der Spiegel, Germany's popular, and his best-selling book in Germany in 2007, entitled "Hey Europe .. give up" and was awarded the Prize of the German repented for the year.
From his statements before his conversion to Islam's famous: "I do not want Europe to surrender to the Muslims, when he says the German Minister of Justice that it could be the basis of sharia law is the law .. For the peace of Europe; ideology of Islam became associated with The hostility of the Western lifestyle and I would advise young European immigration, Europe now will remain so for more than twenty years .. Europe turns to Islam demographic .. We're in a strange kind of appeasement in response to the acts of a Islamic fundamentalists. "
Broder has been shouted by "61 years" as he announced to convert to Islam: "Let's Asamaoni have converted to Islam."
The announcement of his conversion to Islam as a result of bitter internal conflict with himself for many years, in an interview with the imam Reza Nyukuln, where he said relieved to finally get rid of the suppression of the truth that was ravaging his physical faculties.
Return to the natural religion
He said, commenting on a question about the abandonment of religion that we have not been invited, but he returned to his conversion to Islam is a religion of all human nature which is born by everyone.
The German writer to testify before two witnesses and is named by Henry Broder Muhammad and said, commenting on this with pride: "I am now a member of the nation's population billion three hundred million people in the world are insulted constantly and caused them Dodd acts of those insults, and I am happy to be back home where she was born. "
Final taught
We should not be part of those millions of people who believe all what they are told so, but we should see with our own eyes and we should seek the knowledge at any stage of our life, never we will be to old to learn, and as more as we learn younger we will feel...
The information is there, you only need to read, read and you will know, know and you will find the true.... now you can't say : "I didn't know"
That's Me.
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