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16. Facility

When choosing a mate or partner for the rest of life we must look for a pious Muslim person, as we were advised by the Prophet Muhammad (sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam). The reason is that the goal of both is to please Allah Ta "ala. This commitment in front of Allah Ta'ala, easily enhances the spiritual development of the spouses. In essence, the couple is a promoting factor for the entire family, devotion to Allah Ta'ala and his Din.

17. Compliments
Flatter enforceable and honestly is a foolproof way to win the heart of the husband or wife. Everyone wants to be appreciated and recognized for their merits, therefore, act in relation to meanness is actually completed depriving himself of receiving recognition.

18. Surrender of oneself
Giving everything you can to the person you love is a very satisfying and rewarding experience. Being in love means to give in full. The heart does not put conditions or provisions of any kind, but who gives without expecting anything in return. This gift of self, always paid generously.
19. The False Expectations

Often happens that our expectations are so high that we easily forget that we are only humans. When couples start to get fussy and demanding the impossible must immediately remember that only Allah is perfect.

20. Tenderness

Allocate a good time to be alone, doing different activities and sharing is a way of developing invaluable tenderness between partners.

21. The Future

Smart couples plan their future together. Are about their finances and their plans after retirement, making purposes and also discussing plans with their children. This provides peace of mind and strengthens the relationship.


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