In fact we see now how many of this great European designers are turning their main styles to Arab women (probably because they are who has more money now thanks to the development of the Arab countries) so we see how( let's mention Swarovsky company) are launching full collections all inspired in the Arab world, which in more of the cases they call Muslim World, but the thing is that we Muslim are Elegant (Commercial for Muslim Elegance presented by That's me hehehehhe), Fashionable and the most important we obey Allah Order when we use our hijab, for that our fashion style is now becoming a big hit in all the world.
OK girls here are some hijab styles for this 2011, may Allah bless you and all your relatives and give you the best on this year and the years coming insh'allah!
The basics in more of the cases are the colors, textures and fabrics when choose a hijab, and at the end the style to wrap it, there are fabrics that can be used for some hijab styles while there are others that will not be good for all the styles.
So when you choose a hijab don't go only for the color but for the kind of fabric of what is made of.

For this style you need one or more under scarves in different colors, an oblong scarf a bit long to tied for behind your head and bring the rest in front to cover your neck and finish in the back again.
To wrap your hijab in this style you need either a full under scarf or an oblong scarf wrapped in Spanish style, then wrap an other oblong scarf as a bandanna and tied on one side of your head.
This one is my favorite :) , made with 3 bandannas, and 1 oblong scarf and 1 square scarf.

The basics in more of the cases are the colors, textures and fabrics when choose a hijab, and at the end the style to wrap it, there are fabrics that can be used for some hijab styles while there are others that will not be good for all the styles.
So when you choose a hijab don't go only for the color but for the kind of fabric of what is made of.

For this style you need one or more under scarves in different colors, an oblong scarf a bit long to tied for behind your head and bring the rest in front to cover your neck and finish on one of the sides.
Same as above but secure it with a pin on the back of your head.
Simple and beautiful, you need a full under scarf and an oblong scarf.
for this style you need an under scarf (Cotton to keep the hijab on its place), an oblong scarf wrapped in Spanish style and a square scarf to Tie it on the knot of the fist scarf.
For this one you need a under scarf or you can wrap other scarf like a bonnet( to give volume), an oblong scarf and a bandana.

OK girls here are some hijab styles for this 2011, may Allah bless you and all your relatives and give you the best on this year and the years coming insh'allah!
If you notice something wrong in this post is probably because I'm writing while doing the laundry :)
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