Although there is a lot of people who still belive that Islam is something you have to be afraid of because they belive Islam is the terrori...
Although there is a lot of people who still belive that Islam is something you have to be afraid of because they belive Islam is the terrori...
Well after all this REVOLUTION in the country I think things are finally back to "Normality", so let's leave the politic to po...
probably this is the song that all Egyptians know, even my kids that aren't well fluent in Arabic (because of the mix of English, Spanis...
Rabena Yostor! A protester draped in an Egyptian flag climbs atop an army tank to shake hands with a soldier Tomorrow (Well actually now is ...
Israel watches Egypt uprising with fear; Netanyahu says ties with Egypt must be preserved By Matti Friedman /AP January 31, 2011, 7:48 pm JE...