There is no doubt that all this prejudices doesn't matter when we talk about business, why?, well because every day, every new season in the fashion industry we are seeing how more and more designers are turning their eyes to the East side, whyyyy?, this is because the emergence of new economies in the world, we can't deny that the Muslim World is growing, and growing in a huge way, the purchasing power of Eastern countries is growing therefore all this designers and business man are turning their business to Eastern customers, and you have to give what your customers need and are looking for, that's why we are seeing and we will continuing seeing full collections inspirated in the East.

but What does it means?,
this means that fashion will become a bit more conservative we are seeing long dresses everywhere, some of them with long sleeves, something that just few years ago was considerated Not fashionable, we are seeing "accesories" that looks just as a Hijab, this are options that all this designers are giving to muslims and non-muslim women in the world, in the future we will see non-muslim women wearing this hijabs just because this is becoming a fashion insh'allah some of them will discover that wear hijab is not as dificult as they guess and that you can be fashionable and feel respected for all man once you cover yourself.

Nearly every item presented on Thursday by his 50 models before a handpicked audience was clearly not intended for the working woman. Lauren, who recently made his first visit to China, an emerging market for his and other labels, boldly opted for luxury.
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