There was a time where the Jalabiya was exclusive of the Arab world, I have to accept that I don't even know about this style just few years ago, and then a huge Revolution(because you know, I'm in Egypt so everything has to do with a Revolution :) hahaha), so were was I?, ok then the Revolution in Jalabiyat reached it's best time ever, being recognized all around the world, being wore by Hollywood stars and becoming a huge industry not just in The Gulf but in all the world, and Egypt is not the exception.
Look at the cool colors you can find here, this can be the perfect look for this upcoming Eid.
This are some "Trendy-Cool colors" that every one can wear,Ideal for a fancy dinner with family, friends, etc. You can find this jalabiyas in a very accessible prices.

White: $70.00 usd Hot Pink: $110.00 usd
They are made of very lignt fabric, they looks chic and yet modern.

Purple: $70.00 usd Blue: $110.00 usd
my favorite color (Purple)
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