I have always believe in science fiction and fashion, you may wander what does this two things has in common, well let me tell you, all of them have a bit of trueness (did I used this word correct?),science fiction some times show you what we will be able to see in a not so far future mostly about technology, and fashion this days more than ever show who is having the power at least the consuming power in the world, we have seen the growing economic of countries as UAE then we have seen the most important designers featuring in their collection Abayas, Jalabiyas and the most trendy the Harem Pants, now with all this Economic situation around the world, we are seeing how new countries are emerging from the ground and showing to the world their impact in the world economy, we talk about China and India, now Chanel has featured India influence in the fashion world thanks to all this bolliwood stars, this btw is a growing business that goes together with fashion, we have seen how bolliwood stars are having the world recognition for their movies, and movies means money and fashion, I'm I wrong?

Leave it to Peter Philips, creative director of Chanel makeup, to create yet another gorgeous makeup look to complement the equally beautiful Chanel pre-fall collection. For the show, Philips drew inspiration from Southeast Asia and reinterpreted the kohl-rimmed eyes and bindi frequently seen on the region's beauty icons. Head pieces and bindi received the obligatory Chanel treatment and were fashioned using chains, pyramid studs, and pearls. To help balance out the bling factor of the head pieces, Philips emphasized the eyes with heavily-smoked lids and lush lashes, and kept the rest of the face bare and natural. Read on to find out which Chanel products Philips used for this ultra-glam look!

"Start by perfecting the complexion using Perfection Lumiere Long Wear Flawless Fluid Makeup SPF 10, which you'll apply all over the face," says Philips. "Then, dab Eclat Lumiere Highlighting Face Pen over the high points of your face, such as your cheek bones and the bridge of your nose to add extra dimension. Cover up blemishes and dark circles using Correcteur Perfection Long Lasting Concealer in your skin tone." To achieve the dramatic eyes in this collection, Philips lined eyes with Stylo Yeux Waterproof Long Lasting Eyeliner in Ebene to keep the heavy eye makeup from running. Then, he smudged Le Crayon Khol Intense Eye Pencil in Black around the lashline to add depth and create a smoky effect. "I curled lashes with Chanel's Precision Eyelash Curler and applied a generous coat of Inimitable Waterproof Mascara in Black," says Philips, who also used Chanel's limited edition Illusion D'ombre Long Wear Luminous Eyeshadow in Nirvana, (available in stores June 2012) around the entire eye and gave it a winged edge at the outer corners.
To finish off the look, Philips used more Chanel products debuting in summer 2012. "I used Joues Contraste Powder Blush in Brume d'Or to add a rosy tint to the cheeks and the new Rouge Coco Shine Hydrating Sheer Lipshine in Empreinte."
****check all ingredients before you buy any of this cosmetics, may they content some haram ingredients, in this case there are lots of other similar products halal, so you can have the same look!
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