I think 100 is not enough, when you truly love someone there are endless reasons.(Honey you know that, don't you :D )

This will be a nice idea to do for your fiance and give it to him/her on your wedding day,don't you think?
so this is the mini tutorial just in case you are not good at all with crafts.
-you will need a hard cover notebook
-Any kind of paper you would like to use for the cover of your book
-A Bride & Groom image (google it and you will find a lot of options), print it and cut it.
-Alphabet stickers
once you have this you will cover the notebook with the paper you have choose, glue the bride and groom image and with the alphabet stickers write the words "100 reasons I love you?;then write on the number of reasons you have to love that special person, and that's it.
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