and what about this other with also plastic surgeries plus anorexic hoss from the same program her name is Lilian Al naasi.
Lebanese women seem to get pickier with time and one surgery appears to be far than enough. Women are becoming more and more obsessed with their physical appearance.
According to industry experts, 1.5 million plastic surgeries are performed annually in Lebanon in addition to 10 million non-surgical operations such as Botox and collagene fillings,some women start off with a nose job, which is the most popular surgery, then end up with a face-lift, breast implants and a liposuction. A tiny nose, big cheeks, perfectly shaped breasts and sexy lips have become the typical facial features of most Lebanese ladies. Some don't hesitate to go for complete makeovers.
The banks now help the Lebanese to fulfill their ideal of beauty with the launched of credits for plastic surgery.
The cosmetic surgery in Lebanon can cost four times less than in the U.S. and Europe. The reason is that costs have not increased over the past 17 years, according to medical sources.
It seem that plastic surgery has now become routine care in this country so fond of beauty and aesthetic perfection.
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