Ok let me explain....in Mexico when you don't understand something, anything doesn't matter what from a math problem to a kids puzzle, you say It's om Chinese!....why???, I don't know maybe because the chinese languaje is one of the most difficult to learn or understand.
The point is that, one of the most popular blogs in the planet It's in Chinese!!, or I should say it was in 2006 the Chinese actress and director Xu Jinglei, according with "Technorati" with more than 50 million clicks it tops the weblog search engine billboard.
The point is that, one of the most popular blogs in the planet It's in Chinese!!, or I should say it was in 2006 the Chinese actress and director Xu Jinglei, according with "Technorati" with more than 50 million clicks it tops the weblog search engine billboard.
She begun her blog that year in october and it only took 112 days to break domestic records with more than 10 million visits. Since then, she has updated her blog every other day. But if she feels in a very good mood she sometimes posts two or three articles in a day. Sensitive articles with her musings about life have made this beautiful young director even more thoughtful and talented, and drawn legions of fans.
So, let's take her example and let's do it!!, post, post, post....something I've learned is that the comments do not always mean that your blog is successful or not, doesn't matter if you are not recived. keep going you can add a visitor counter instead.
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