*You will need
--use any cake recipe that you like for the base--
5cm and 7.5cm round cakes cut from 1 x 20cm square cake
150g marzipan
450g ivory sugar paste
12.5 round cake board
greaseproff paper
white royal icing
chocolate brown, dark pink and pale pink edible food colours
40cm pale pink ribbon 6mm wide, for the cakes
60cm chocolate brown ribbon 3mm wide, for the cakes and bow
3 piping bags
3 no. 1.5 nozzles
40cm dusky pink ribbon
15mm wide, for the board

1 cover two round cakes with marzipan and sugar paste, then stack centrally on a 125cm round cake board lined with ivory sugar paste.
2 Trace the cerry blossom design on to a sheet of greaseproof or tracing paper and scribe on to the base and top tier of the cake. Colour one third of the royal icing with chocolate brown food colouring. One third with pink and one third a paler pink.
3 Fix a lenght of pink ribbon overlaid with brown ribbon around the base of each tier with a little royal icing. Tie a bow with a piece of brown ribbon and fix to the ribbon on the top tier, over the join, with a little royal icing. Fill 3 piping bags fitted with no.1.5nozzles with the different coloured royal icing. Beginning with the brown icing, pressure pipe the brances following thw scribed design. Whit the pink icing, pipe pearls to make the cherry blossom, adding either a peler or darker pink centre for authenticity. Fix the 15mm ribbon round the cake board with a little royal icing and done!
Here is the blossom pattern zoom and print.

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