Well since the NASA created this gel to grow plants in a controlled medium without the need of water we are now able to have a nice plant every where with out much care, and give to your personal spaces a relaxed look and always in touch with the nature, now we can even have it in one of the most precious thing that we can have and can't leave with out it, our mobile.
The plant is a cactus inside a sealed bottle which contains the growing-fertilizer gel, Inside the bottle is no germ totally sealed out of the outside,Your Plant will grow up lively.

It looks very nice but we should say that once the plant finish the gel (once the plant has eat it) you should remove the cactus to a normal plant pot with soil and water, the good thing here is that cactus doesn't needs in any way much care, just few drops of water every once in a while and that's all.
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