She is pretty no doubt of it and this blue colors makes her even prettiest, Is strange the way her veins looks on her arms, looks like an old women, probably because she is so thin ?
The first thing that I noticed was how beautiful she looks in Hijab,she has a scandalous past, but I think since she began with the work as ambassador she had realised how grateful we should be with Allah for all what we have in this life,She has become a very simple woman, she use not expensive products, I read once she use a $12 usd body cream and she doesn't eat more (some say she is anorexic)this in her own words is due to the non- appetite she feel and more now that she had seen all this kids starving, no doubt, she is one of the powerful actresses in Hollywood, and has the envy of all women because she is Brad pit's couple, has 6 kids, etc,etc.

Avery simple and beautiful hijab, notice that when you are not used to wear hijab or you live in a hot weather country the best is choose one in natural fabrics like this one, I think is made of Caftan fabric.
Good or bad I hope one day she turn her interest into Islam Insha'allah, for now here some pics of her with hijab, a very simple style, I think in my personal opinion she even wear it better than we Muslims.
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